IBY Alumni Board Meeting 10-2-2023
Andy McDonnell
Brian Davis
Tony Albright
Scott Trahan
Andre Juneau
Jeff Leclerc
Christian Stone
Board Meeting Agenda
Andy McDonnell
Brian Davis
Tony Albright
Scott Trahan
Andre Juneau
Jeff Leclerc
Christian Stone
Board Meeting Agenda
- Golf Recap
- Event was good, attendance lower, but still made $2,700.
- Financial Review
- Per Tony's last e-mail, account balance with proceeds from golf is about $8,400.
- Future
- Agreed to try to spread current funds over 3 years.
- Agreed to huddle in the spring to confirm current strategy.
- Charitable Donations
- Plymouth State Thanksgiving
- New resource at PSU, Kate Neal, taking over for Kathy.
- Andy to meet with Kate and see what her plans are.
- Agreed to donate up to $500 based on discussion with Kate.
- Andy to contact Kate and hear about her plans.
- Blue Star Mothers
- Agreed to remove this from our targeted donations.
- Independence Hall
- Agreed to spend up to $1250 for food and gifts
- Andy to contact Independence Hall to coordinate.
- Boulder Point Thanksgiving
- Christian has been in contact with Program Manager and is awaiting a headcount.
- Andy has confirmed with Common Man they will honor same pricing as last year.
- Christian will be running point on the event.
- Agreed to spend up to $1000 food, drinks, paper goods.
- Andy/Christian to coordinate with Boulder Home contact.
- Plymouth State Thanksgiving
- New Business:
- Superbowl Squares
- Brian will not be running this again this year.
- Holiday Party
- Targeted for Sunday afternoon after Independence Hall.
- Agreed to provide 2x Drink Coupons for those in attendance.
- (Scott Trahan was opposed, but motion carried)
- Superbowl Squares